You are currently viewing 12 things you didn’t know about the benefits of a Personal Website
Intelligent Web Developers

12 things you didn’t know about the benefits of a Personal Website

12 unknown things about personal websites are still unknown! If you’re reading this on a personal website, then it’s likely that you have a business and need to promote it. Alternatively, you want to find a new job. You also likely run into the same problem many entrepreneurs do: how do I get people interested in my brand? One solution is creating a personal website. A personal website is essentially an online portfolio of all of your work, accomplishments, and accolades. So that your audience can see what makes you great at what you do. It provides credibility for potential clients or customers who are considering hiring you for services or products. It shows off your personality through content such as photos, videos, and blog posts. And it also gives people insight into who they’re potentially hiring in their organization (or on their team).

Increase Findability through your personal website

The first benefit of having a website is that it will help you increase findability. By providing a way for people to find you when they are searching for something. You can also provide them with contact information so that they can get in touch if they have any questions or concerns about your business.

Provide Credibility

Personal website Credibility Image

The most obvious benefit of a personal website is that it provides credibility. A personal website can help you show off your knowledge and experience, which will make you appear more credible in the eyes of others. For example, if you have written an article about how to use social media for business marketing purposes. This article might be posted on your website under the “Articles” section or tagged with one or more relevant keywords. The more people who find this content through search engines like Google and Bing (and other search engines), the more likely they are going to click on another link. This is within their results and trust that this new site has something valuable to offer!

Offer Insight Into Your Personality

A personal website can be used to showcase your personality and interests.

You should include on your website the following information:

  • Your favorite books or movies, music, or art pieces that you have enjoyed over time.
  • Your favorite foods (if you like food) and how they make you feel when eaten.
  • Your favorite places to visit around town and why they are special to you as a person living there now versus where you lived as a child/teenager/young adult when visiting those places with family members who live in those areas today too!

Create a Positive First Impression

The first impression you make with your website is going to be the most important one. You want this impression to be positive and show off all of the great things about you, so it’s important that you take the time to create a professional design and message.

  • Include contact information: This will help people get in touch with you when they need something. If someone contacts me for an appointment or another type of consultation. Therefore, I always include my contact information on my website. So that they can easily find out more about me and how they can reach me at any given time during their journey with me.
  • Include a resume. Your resume should be included on every page of your website because it provides more information than just what is listed here. It also shows off exactly what kind of expertise or experience makes up who YOU are as an individual person/business owner!

Showcase Your Writing Skills

You can improve your writing skills by practicing. Writing is a skill that can be improved with practice, and it’s useful no matter what field you’re in.

Writing is also an excellent way to get work in your field or outside of it. If you have writing experience, it will help you stand out from other candidates who don’t have that skill set.

Educate People About Your Industry and Organization

A personal website can help you educate people about your industry and organization.

You can use a personal website as a platform for sharing information about your organization, yourself, and other things that are important to you.

A few good examples are given in this blog: 17 Personal Website Examples for a Polished Online Presence. This blog post was compiled for showcasing the experts because they wanted their readers to know more about what they do for work and how they got started in their careers.

Demonstrate Your Creativity on your personal website

Your personal website is a great way to showcase your creativity and personality. If you are creative, it can be a fun way to express that side of yourself. You might write poems or short stories that others enjoy reading.

If you are an artist, your website could include artwork like paintings, photography, or even video clips that showcase what makes you special as an individual artist (like a dance performance).

If you have an interest in writing or journalism, having a blog on your website will allow people who would like to know more about what interests you most in this field. So, they can find out more about them online without having any difficulty finding out information about them at all!

Improve Your Public Speaking Skills using your personal website

A website is a great place to practice your public speaking skills. In fact, many people rely on their websites as the main tool for practicing their presentations and talks.

If you’re looking for a way to improve your public speaking skills without having any formal training. Then creating a personal website can be one of the best ways! You will learn how to prepare better before giving a presentation or talking in front of others. The more practice that you get from doing so, the better it will be. When it comes time for an actual presentation or meeting with colleagues or clients where there won’t be someone who knows exactly what questions they should ask based on what they’ve heard from others (like me).

So how do I know this works? Well…

Share Your Networking Style

If you want to share your networking style with the world, a personal website is a way to go. You can use it to share all of your business cards, social media accounts, and other information. These help you build relationships with people in your area. It’s also an easy way for people who don’t know you well yet but have heard about what kind of person you are or what kind of work you do. For example, if someone was passing by their office when they saw an ad for one of your projects.

social networking image

If someone sees one of these things on their computer screen and asks themself “Who did this?”. Then they’ll start researching more about who made this product or service available so that they can get in touch with them too!

Generate New Content Ideas and Topics

A personal website is a great way to generate content ideas and topics for blog posts and podcast episodes. You can use it to share your own ideas, or you can help others by sharing their content (and vice versa).

To get started, just think about what kind of content you’d like to produce and then brainstorm ways in which you could do so. You may even find that there are things on your own site that would make wonderful blog posts or maybe someone else’s blog!

For example: If you have an interest in travel destinations or adventures, why not write about a specific place in the world? Or maybe something related such as local attractions? You could also write about places nearby if they appeal more directly to your readership demographic. For example, New York City vs San Francisco.

If someone mentions something funny happening at work during lunchtime today. Maybe he accidentally spilled coffee all over his shirt while eating lunch outside instead of inside where everyone else was eating. How would YOU handle such an embarrassing situation? Write an article explaining how YOU would handle this same situation if given half a chance…

Encourage Engagement With Your Audience

  • Have a blog. A blog is a great place to share your thoughts, ideas, and experiences with the world. It’s also an excellent way to build relationships with people who care about what you have to say.
  • Have a newsletter or similar product offering that allows readers to sign up for updates on new articles or products (or both). For example, if you write books on business-related topics then send out an email every time there’s an update in your latest book release!
  • Contact forms are another great way of engaging with potential customers through email. You can take advantage of this by adding an opt-in box at the bottom of each page. Here the visitors can request more information about whatever it is. They’re interested in learning more about it right now before deciding whether they want something else. Like maybe some free advice from someone who knows how everything works out here. At least until next year when everyone gets paid again which will probably happen sometime around Christmas time anyway.

Build Authority in an Area of Expertise

A personal website is a good way to showcase your expertise, knowledge, experience, and skills. This is especially true if you are an entrepreneur or freelancer who doesn’t have time to create and maintain a website on your own.

For example:

  • You can showcase your expertise by writing about topics that interest you. Or related areas of interest for which you have significant background knowledge and experience.
    • Showcase the fact that there is more than one way to do something.
    • Talk about how others like or dislike something specific because it relates back to yourself as well
    • Demonstrate how easy it was for someone else (e.g., a friend) who also has knowledge behind their decision-making process when faced with similar issues – this will show potential clients that they don’t need much assistance from someone else just yet!

Bonus: Setting up a personal website is one of the best ways to promote your business.

personal website business success

A personal website can help you promote your business.

  • Provide examples of how a personal website can help you promote your business. For example, if you have a blog on your site, it is easy to write content that relates directly to the services or products that you offer. This will encourage people who are interested in what you do and how they can use it themselves. Or else, refer others who may need help with something similar.
  • Provide examples of how a personal website can help build your personal brand by providing information about yourself. As well as showing off examples of previous work done by others who have worked with them before too!


If you want to build a strong personal brand, then starting your own website is the perfect way to do it. With multiple benefits including improved networking opportunities and capabilities, a personal website offers an opportunity to build your business in any area of expertise. It also helps establish yourself as an expert in your field by generating new content ideas or topics that can be shared with others via social channels such as Twitter or LinkedIn! Click here to start your journey

Start your Personal Website

Admin Intelligent Web Developers

The Admin of the Intelligent Web Developer website is a web developer with over 20+ years of experience. He has a passion for web development and loves to share his knowledge with others. He has created this website to help others learn web development and to find the best resources for their needs.

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